Our counseling is built on helping address the issues in the lives of individuals, couples, and families. The foundational thesis is that our thoughts, emotions, motives, attitudes, words, and actions flow from our innate nature. We work with you, our client, to develop a healthy worldview of life and to recognize the truths that guide your thinking and actions.
The counselors at Discovery Counseling have advanced degrees from top rated seminaries and universities and are ordained ministers.
Our method of counseling strives to help others discover, process, and move forward to personal wholeness, mental and emotional stability, interpersonal competence, and identity significance. Discovery Counseling's model is primarily a combination of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Object Relations Therapy, and Person-Centered methods.
The Cognitive-behavioral approach is commonly referred to as CBT. CBT focuses on challenging and changing unhelpful cognitive distortions, that is thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. This results in finding ways to improve emotional regulations and behaviors with the goal of developing better personal coping strategies that target solving current problems.
Object Relations Therapy (ORT) works with the development process between the psyche of the client and how he/she relates to his/her environment. ORT's basic tenet is that individuals create current relationships depending on their life experiences. ORT supports that social interactions will eventually build an "object" in the subconscious mind. Every relationship or event in your life will be influenced by your attachment of the object to the relationship or circumstance. This habitual pattern forms and impacts your overall health without you being consciously being aware of its impact.
Person-centered practices or client-centered methods put an emphasis you. The goal is to create the surroundings for you to become a "fully functioning person."
The combination of these three approaches specifically lends itself to a more comprehensive approach because the emphasis is on you as the client and working through your issues. You are supported while taking the lead. It is vital that you takes responsibility for their own life.
Other techniques are used based on your needs. An individual treatment plan is developed for each client.
Our role as counselor is to exhibit unconditional positive regard. In short, this means that we accept and care for you where you are. We always refrains from judgment. It is essential that you feel valued.
Our goal is to guide you to balance your ideal self with how you experience your real self. When that is achieved, you are what is termed congruence. Generally, a client is in a state of incongruence when he/she enter counseling. A major part of the work for you change to achieve congruence.
A strong counselor exhibits empathy, which is having the ability to put yourself in someone else's shoes and relate to their experience. Empathy is showing understanding for a person while sympathy is feeling bad for them. Empathy helps you feel safe in expressing your own feelings and needs. The ability to share and witness emotions, one on one, is a must in the counseling sessions.
We also focus on actively listening. This is listening without exhibiting judgment. Active listening is not just listening. It is listening in a way that you know we understand what is being said.
Whether you are from Farmville, Appomattox, Charlottes or any location we are here to walk with you.
Change is possible!.
Discovery Counseling is a partner with the Biblical Counseling Coalition.